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Analysis of Kraft Heinz Stock Performance in 2024 The Rise and Fall of Kraft Heinz Stock: A Deep Dive Into 2024 Performance

Stepping into 2024, Kraft Heinz (NASDAQ: KHC) finds itself trailing behind the S&P 500 by a disheartening 20 percentage points. The first half of the year witnessed a dismal drop of nearly 13% in its stock value juxtaposed with the robust 14.5% surge in the S&P 500 index and a 6% rise in the average consumer staples stock, represented by the Consumer Staples Select Sector SPDR ETF.

What led to this lackluster performance, and does this downturn present a golden opportunity for investors to scoop up a high-yield stock like Kraft Heinz into their income portfolio?

Unpacking the Allure of Kraft Heinz

While trailing the broader market and the consumer staples sector sounds like a cautionary tale for Kraft Heinz, contrarian investors with an appetite for high yields will find solace in its enticing 5% yield. This substantial yield towers over the 1.3% of the S&P 500 and the 2.7% of the average consumer staples stock. Despite the recent stock setback, this yield shines as a glimmer of hope. But why are investors shunning Kraft Heinz shares?

A person looking at a box in a grocery store.

Image source: Getty Images.

The genesis of this predicament can be traced back to 2013, when Berkshire Hathaway and 3G Capital joined forces to assume control of Heinz. The primary objective was to beef up earnings by trimming costs. While effective in the short term, such cost-cutting strategies often hit a dead end as management exhausts avenues for further cuts. Subsequently, Kraft and Heinz merged in an effort to create one of the largest food conglomerates globally, providing 3G Capital with more cost-reduction opportunities.

However, with a debt-laden balance sheet and a stagnant business model, investor enthusiasm waned. The relentless focus on cost reductions often sidelines crucial business components like research and development, vital for innovation in the competitive food industry. With rivals surging ahead with new and improved products, Kraft Heinz failed to keep pace, revealing a glaring long-term strategic flaw that couldn’t evade investors’ scrutiny.

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Investors began discerning Kraft Heinz’s challenges circa 2017, as illustrated on the graph above. Acknowledging these hurdles, Kraft Heinz embarked on a model shift, including a reshuffle in its top-tier leadership. Yet, revitalizing a corporate behemoth heading the wrong way presents a daunting task. Investors have been in a perpetual “show-me” stance towards Kraft Heinz.

The Road Ahead for Kraft Heinz

Embarking on a new trajectory, Kraft Heinz aims to accentuate its premium brands, aligning with the strategic refocusing seen across the consumer staples industry. However, the reality of any company harboring both growth and slow-growth brands necessitates a delicate balance. Consequently, management contemplates divesting underperforming brands to streamline operations and cater to consumer demands.

While targeted growth brands recorded a commendable 2% uptick in organic sales during the first quarter of 2024, the “protect” and “balance” cohorts saw organic sales slump by 5% and 4%, respectively – painting a bleak picture overall with a 0.5% organic sales dip. The segment intended for protection emerged as the weakest link, signaling an ongoing uphill climb for Kraft Heinz.

Nevertheless, the success story unfolding within the growth-oriented brands, constituting a substantial chunk of sales, shouldn’t be overshadowed by the portfolio’s underperformers. Coupled with an enhanced financial standing, Kraft Heinz is navigating from a more robust platform today, portraying glimpses of recovery amidst challenges.

Deliberating the Decision to Invest in Kraft Heinz

For risk-averse income investors, the current landscape may not be conducive for Kraft Heinz ownership. The extensive transformation underway necessitates a patient outlook since resolving entrenched issues won’t be an overnight feat. However, investors inclined towards a long-term horizon and contrarian plays might find the tantalizing 5% yield quite appealing. Essentially, investors are poised to receive substantial compensation while awaiting the resurgence of a company boasting substantial brand equity. The momentum building within Kraft Heinz’s growth-centric brands underscores the latent potential within this industry stalwart.