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Unveiling the True Value of FDS StockFactSet Research Systems: A Hidden Gem in Free Cash Flow

Let’s dive into the world of FactSet Research Systems (FDS), a firm providing essential data and research to Wall Street. In the latest fiscal quarter, FDS unveiled a spectacular showing in free cash flow (FCF) metrics, sending ripples across the stock market. With FDS shares closing at $423.73 on a recent Friday, the stock may be harboring a hidden treasure trove of value, estimated to be at least 68% more per share at $712. This article aims to unravel the mysteries behind this undervalued gem.

Unleashing the Power of Free Cash Flow

Examining the company’s fiscal Q3 results released on June 21, reveals a noteworthy surge in free cash flow and FCF margins. FactSet’s revenue climbed by 4.3% from the previous year, coupled with a towering adjusted operating margin of 39.4%, marking a substantial 340 basis points increase year-over-year. This fueled an impressive boost in its free cash flow, achieving a remarkable 39.3% FCF margin. To put it simply, for every dollar in revenue generated, FactSet can effortlessly set aside over 39 cents in the bank, free from obligations or expenses – a treasure chest ripe for distribution to shareholders.

FactSet Fiscal Q3 free cash flow – Earnings release June 21, 2024

As the company’s valuation undergoes metamorphosis, a deeper understanding emerges.

Unveiling FactSet’s Intrinsic Value

Analysts foresee FactSet generating revenue ranging from $2.2 billion to $2.32 billion across this fiscal year and the next, translating to a run-rate revenue of $2.26 billion for the next 12 months. By applying a conservative 36% FCF margin estimation, FactSet is projected to produce $814 million in free cash flow moving forward, laying the groundwork for a revamped stock valuation.

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Navigating the Course for FDS Stock

Considering potential scenarios, envision a world where FDS disburses its free cash flow as dividends. With the current quarterly payout of $112 million constituting 52% of the $216 million quarterly FCF, a 2.5% FCF yield metric could point to a market cap estimate of $32.56 billion, a whopping 100% higher than the current $16.15 billion market cap. Even with a more conservative 3.0% FCF yield metric, FDS stock’s worth leaps to a minimum of $27.13 billion, still showcasing a remarkable 68% increase from its existing market cap of $16.15 billion. This tallies to a substantial valuation of $712 per share – a hidden jewel waiting to be uncovered.

Unlocking Investment Opportunities

A strategic approach to capitalize on FactSet’s latent potential involves shorting out-of-the-money (OTM) put options. This not only positions investors to seize opportunities at lower entry points in case of a downturn but also opens avenues for additional income generation. For instance, examining the July 19 expiration period, a viable strategy emerges where the $410 strike price puts offer an immediate yield of 0.73% for the short seller. This tactical move provides a safety net against potential declines, ensuring a balanced approach towards maximizing gains while mitigating risks.

FDS puts expiring July 19 – Barchart – As of June 21

In essence, existing shareholders stand to gain almost a 1% yield over the upcoming month, coupled with the tantalizing prospects of stock appreciation, while prospective investors are presented with a disciplined entry gateway should the stock descend. The underlying ethos is clear – FDS stock harbors untapped value, buoyed by its resounding FCF margins. The judicious play is to ride the wave of buying the stock and simultaneously shorting OTM puts, paving the way for a prosperous investment journey.

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