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Avista’s Annual Rate Adjustment Requests in Washington
Avista’s Annual Rate Adjustment Requests in Washington

Rate Adjustment Filings Overview

Avista has recently filed annual rate adjustment requests with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission. If approved, these filings are set to result in an overall decrease of 13.9% in natural gas rates and an overall increase of 3.5% in electric rates.

Washington Natural Gas Adjustment Filings

Within the natural gas domain, four distinct adjustments have been proposed, aimed at altering the overall natural gas revenues. These adjustments include a decrease in Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment by 24.6%, an increase in Climate Commitment Act by 8.3%, and increases in Low Income Rate Assistance Program and Insurance Expense Balancing.

Washington Electric Adjustment Filings

For electric services, Avista has filed five adjustments, with proposed changes to elevate the revenue stream. These changes involve areas such as Wildfire Expense Balancing, Residential Exchange Program, Insurance Expense Balancing, Clean Energy Implementation Plan, and Low Income Rate Assistance Program.

Impact of Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment (PGA)

The PGA requests are crucial for balancing the wholesale cost of natural gas purchased by Avista for customer service. The proposed reduction in PGA is predominantly influenced by a drop in wholesale gas costs and the removal of a surcharge established in the previous year.

Insight into Climate Commitment Act

The Climate Commitment Act is a legislative measure designed to cut emissions, equating to a 95% reduction from 1990 levels by 2050. The rate adjustments align with the costs linked to complying with this act.

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Low Income Rate Assistance Program and Insurance Balancing

The Low Income Rate Assistance Program extends support to eligible customers, ensuring bill assistance is provided where needed. Meanwhile, the Insurance Expense Balancing account tracks and regulates variances in insurance expenses for customers.

Addressing Wildfire Expenses

Given the rising prevalence of wildfires, Avista’s Wildfire Expense Balancing initiative aims to manage these escalated costs effectively, reflecting the heightened impact of such incidents.

Residential Exchange Program and Clean Energy Implementation Plan

The Residential Exchange Program benefits customers by reducing monthly electric rates, while the Clean Energy Implementation Plan focuses on transition costs towards cleaner energy sources and equitable distribution within communities.

Impact on Customer Bills

Following the approval of these proposed adjustments, Washington’s residential natural gas customers could see a significant decrease in their monthly bills, fostering a financial relief of approximately 13.5% as compared to current rates.