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Europe’s ETFs Industry Hits Stratospheric Heights with Record Assets Near $2 Trillion

ETFs—those luminary stars in the financial galaxy—have etched their legacy in Europe, rejoicing their 24th year with an unprecedented feat: amassed assets looming just shy of a colossal $2 trillion. A saga that began on April 11, 2000, when the inaugural European-listed ETFs, hinged on the Euro Stoxx 50 and the Stoxx Europe 50 indices, graced the floors of Deutsche Boerse in Germany, now stands as a testament to the industry’s meteoric rise.

The latest aria in this financial symphony unfolds with assets scaling dizzying heights, cresting at $1.96 trillion as March drew to a close. A month that witnessed a gilded tide of net inflows, swelling the coffers by $11.02 billion, surging the year-to-date influx to a stately $49.52 billion. These figures, immortalized in ETFGI’s march 2024 report, paint a portrait of undeniable growth and resilience.

Financial Fortunes and Market Marvels

The relentless march of financial fortune continued to unfurl as the S&P 500 index saw a generous 3.22% uptick in March, propelling its year-to-date surge to a commanding 10.56% in 2024. Developed markets, excluding the US, also reveled in a 3.62% ascension for the month, casting a 5.26% year-to-date glow. Spain and Italy emerged as the darlings of the developed markets, showcasing exuberant growth – Spain soaring by 10.72% and Italy notching a commendable 6.34% rise.

The Emerging markets, too, basked in the sun with a 1.50% uptick in March, lending a 2.08% glimmer to their 2024 tally. Peru and Colombia danced at the forefront, clocking in captivating climbs of 10.27% and 8.19%, respectively. Deborah Fuhr, the arbitress of these numbers, captivates with her insights, imbuing the market narrative with vivid hues.

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Amped Assets Paint a Picturesque March

March set a new milestone in the annals of the European ETFs landscape with a striking 3,037 products and 12,209 listings adorning the sector’s domain. The $1.96 trillion in assets, shepherded by 99 providers across 29 exchanges in 24 nations, weave a tapestry of wealth and diversity that captivate the financial soul.

The month saw a surge of $11.02 billion in net inflows, graced predominantly by Equity ETFs, cradling a $9.81 billion bounty. Fixed income ETFs rode the tide with a $719.00 million influx, while Commodities ETFs navigated modestly with a $75.35 million outflow. The sylvan whispers of Active ETFs, serenading with a $670.27 million net inflow, hint at an industry brimming with dynamism and growth.

Perusing Top Performers in the Elite Roster

The crème de la crème of the ETFs realm, the top 20 ETFs by net new assets, rallied collective wealth worth $9.63 billion in March. The iShares Core S&P 500 UCITS ETF – Acc (CSSPX SW) reigned supreme, commanding a noble $918.91 million individual net inflow—a testament to the collective rising tide in the ETFs ocean.

Visual depiction of Top 20 ETFs by net inflows in March 2024 for Europe.



Assets ($ Mn) Mar-24

NNA ($ Mn) YTD-24

NNA ($ Mn) Mar-24

iShares Core S&P 500 UCITS ETF – Acc





UBS ETF (LU) MSCI United Kingdom UCITS ETF (GBP) A-acc – Acc



