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Trump’s Fundraising Event and the Absence of a Key Donor – Blackstone (NYSE:BX) The Trump Fundraising Conundrum: A Dance with Donors

The Elusive Support: A Donor Dilemma

In a bid to garner support from the Republican megadonor community, Donald Trump is utilizing a lavish fundraising event at a billionaire’s residence as a stage for showcasing unity.

Yet, the absence of significant contributions from Miriam and Sheldon Adelson, who were pivotal in Trump’s 2020 campaign with $90 million donations, poses a challenge to his 2024 reelection funding, as per The Wall Street Journal.

The Missing ‘Big Fish’: Megadonors on the Fence

Miriam Adelson, among other prominent figures like Blackstone Inc. (BX) CEO Stephen Schwarzman and Elliott Management’s Paul Singer, remains hesitant to commit, leaving Trump seeking backing from the elite donor circle.

A History of Support: The Adelson Influence

Miriam Adelson’s past support and regular interactions with Trump suggest a potential contribution in the future, despite the current standoff. However, her spokesperson declined to comment on the matter, indicating a level of uncertainty.

Trump’s complex relationship with the Adelsons, peppered with disagreements on trade policies and international affairs, adds a layer of intrigue to their dynamic.

Financial Support Amid Uncertainty

Despite facing hurdles with key donors like the Adelsons, Trump is witnessing a surge in donations from GOP billionaires, evident in the expected $43 million raised at a recent fundraiser hosted by John Paulson.

Legal Battles and Fundraising

With Trump’s legal battles in various states draining funds, the support from donors becomes pivotal in sustaining his campaign efforts, as highlighted by The Wall Street Journal.

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Despite the financial uncertainties tied to legal expenses, Trump maintains a lead over Biden in key battleground states, signaling ongoing enthusiasm within Republican circles.