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Ford Motor Company: Is the Road Ahead Paved with Gold? Ford Motor Company: Is the Road Ahead Paved with Gold?

Ford Motor Company’s (NYSE: F) stock has been lackluster for long-term investors. If you put $100 in the automaker 10 years ago, you would have a total return of just $128 today (including dividends). The S&P 500 Index would have given you $339. And let’s not even get started on Tesla, which has created more than a few millionaires while Ford’s stock was stuck in idle.

Can Ford’s ambitious electric transition finally turn things around, or should investors finally jump ship? Let’s dig deeper to find out what the next half-decade could have in store for the iconic company.

The Old Bull Thesis Revisited

A few years ago, Ford’s bull thesis was quite simple. The legacy automaker would quickly shed its lumbering, traditional gas-powered business to focus on electric vehicles (EVs), leveraging its strong brands like the Mustang and F-150 pickup truck to rapidly gain market share.

Investors seemed to believe that EVs would inherently boast better profit margins than vehicles with internal combustion engines, and with good reason. Since 2020, Tesla’s operating margins have dwarfed Ford’s and earned it a much higher valuation. Tesla shares still trade for a forward price-to-earnings (P/E) multiple of 70, compared to Ford’s 6.2.

It looked like Ford’s aggressive transition to the new technology could unlock significant value, especially when combined with the larger company’s robust supply chain and expansive dealership network.

The Electric Dream Begins to Fade

With 72,608 all-electric vehicles sold in 2023, Ford is one of America’s largest EV makers. But the underlying assumptions that helped justify the company’s ambitious transition are beginning to unravel.

For starters, EV competition is rising. And even Tesla is facing pressure, with its operating margin falling from 11.4% to just 5.5% in the first quarter.

Futuristic car racing through lights.

Image source: Getty Images.

According to CNN, Model E lost $132,000 for each of the roughly 10,000 cars it sold in the period, and management expects this segment to lose a total of $5 billion in the full year 2024.

The silver lining is that Ford’s enterprise-focused EV models (such as the E-Transit vans) are helping pick up the slack in Model E performance. Over the coming years, investors should expect this to become an increasingly important part of its EV business as optics and political incentives continue to push companies and government agencies to greenwash their supply chains. The U.S. Postal Service, for example, ordered 9,250 of Ford’s E-Transit vans to be delivered this year.

See also  Examining Big US Stocks in Q1’24 The Delusion of Big US Stock Valuations

The big US stocks dominating markets and investors’ portfolios continue to showcase astounding resilience. Their performance during the latest earnings season has been nothing short of breathtaking. However, this prosperity stands in stark contrast to the slow growth of underlying profits, pushing valuations deeper into an ominous bubble chamber. The unchecked rise of stock prices underscored by herd mentality and market psychology has obscured the fundamental reality of these companies.

Quarterly financial reports serve as a reality check, dispelling the mist of emotions that often cloud investors' judgment. These reports bring forth a treasure trove of data, from full financial statements to management's insights on future strategies and growth. They act as a lighthouse in the stormy sea of market speculation, providing invaluable information for investors.

The Euphoria of Q1’24 Market Performance

The first quarter of 2024 witnessed a meteoric rise in the flagship stock index, driven predominantly by the giants of the US stock market. With relentless gains pushing major indices to dizzying heights, a sense of euphoria and greed enveloped investors. However, such exuberance often precedes a reckoning in the form of market corrections or bearish downturns. All eyes are now on the market, especially those dependent on big US stocks for their retirement savings.

Insights from Big US Companies' Q1’24 Results

As the dust settles post-Q1’24, investors eagerly assess the performance of the top US companies that dictate market trends. These behemoths, commanding a lion's share of the market cap, play a pivotal role in shaping the market sentiment. By delving into their quarterly results, investors gain crucial insights into the market's trajectory and inherent risks.

Concerns Amidst Market Concentration

The top-heavy nature of the US stock market poses a significant risk, with a handful of mega-cap tech stocks dominating the landscape. The disproportionate influence of these tech giants, including Microsoft, Apple, and Amazon, raises concerns about market stability. The overreliance on these market darlings leaves the broader market vulnerable to sudden shifts and corrections.

The Sway of Mega-Cap Technology Companies

The Magnificent 7 mega-cap technology stocks continue to wield immense power, driving market trends and investor sentiment. The staggering market cap amassed by these tech behemoths underscores their influence on the overall market performance. However, the unchecked growth of these stocks, fueled by peer pressure and market dynamics, raises alarms about their sustainability and the broader market's health.

The Allure and Risks of Mega-Cap Tech Stocks

While the allure of mega-cap tech stocks remains strong, the overreliance on these market giants poses inherent risks. As fund managers flock to these tech darlings in pursuit of stellar returns, the market becomes increasingly vulnerable to corrections and downturns. The success of these mega-cap stocks is a double-edged sword, promising riches while potentially leading the market into uncharted territory.

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Forecasting the Next Five Years for Ford

Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like electric vehicles will be the magic bullet that unlocks a higher valuation for Ford stock. Instead of boosting margins, the new business looks more likely to put further pressure on the company’s bottom line, which means less money left over for investors. And the situation looks unlikely to change over the next five years.

Ford helps make up for its stagnant stock price with a dividend, which currently yields 4.85%. But while this is much more than the S&P 500 average of just 1.35%, investors who want an income-focused investment would probably be better off buying government bonds. The five-year Treasury bond currently yields 4.4%, with much less risk.

Should you invest $1,000 in Ford Motor Company right now?

Before you buy stock in Ford Motor Company, consider this:

The Motley Fool Stock Advisor analyst team just identified what they believe are the 10 best stocks for investors to buy now… and Ford Motor Company wasn’t one of them. The 10 stocks that made the cut could produce monster returns in the coming years.

Consider when Nvidia made this list on April 15, 2005… if you invested $1,000 at the time of our recommendation, you’d have $635,982!*.

Stock Advisor provides investors with an easy-to-follow blueprint for success, including guidance on building a portfolio, regular updates from analysts, and two new stock picks each month. The Stock Advisor service has more than quadrupled the return of S&P 500 since 2002*.

See the 10 stocks »

*Stock Advisor returns as of May 13, 2024

Will Ebiefung has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Tesla. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.